Hey yawl, have you noticed the neighborhood getting a little trashy? Well we have so on Saturday April 1st at 10:30 we are partnering with our friends at @hoppassport and @keepknoxvillebeautiful to do something about it. If you wanna help us we will reward you on the day of with a $1 beer. Yes that’s right, help us pick up some trash, buy a beer and we will sell you another one for $1 for your hard work. We will be meeting Saturday April 1st at 10:30 in the Next Level parking lot and cleaning up until noon. Next Level will provide the trash bags and Keep Knoxville Beautiful will provide the orange vests and grabbers, all you need to provide is some of your time. #keepknoxvillebeautful #nextlevelbrewing #hoppassport #craftbeer #neighborhoodpride #neighborhoodcleanup #volunbeer
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