Yet another Friday bottle release: 🥃Bourbon Barrel Aged Anti-Batter Stout – 10.% ABV. This will be available in 500ml bottles- – We took our house sweet stout base and aged it in Ezra Brooks bourbon barrels for 21 months. No adjuncts, no candy, no anything. Just a pure, decadent beer kissed by the bourbon soaked wood in the bourbon barrel for several months. While we do love adding anything we can get our hands on to stouts from candies, coconut, nuts, spices, sugar, etc. to make a cake batter pastry stout 😂. Sometimes it is nice to enjoy an anti-batter stout so to speak. 🚫. #knoxbeer #knoxvilletennessee #craftbeer #barrelagedbeer #knoxtennessee #barrelaged #barrelagedbeer #bourbon #bourbonbarrelaged
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