
Wednesday! This week our Friends with Benefits night is moved to Wednesday since Thursday we are closed for Thanksgiving! Come grab your to-go beer with your discount, chill with your buds, and hang out. We’ll see you then! #knoxrocks #drinklocal #Knoxville #nextlevel #sourbeer #scruffycity #JuicyIPA #CraftBeer #DrinkLocal #local #foodtruck #FoodTruckLove #localfoodtrucks #craftbeer #BrewLife

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😍🤩😎WEDNESDAY – Puzzles Entertainment’s Wednesday Knoxville Music Bingo is at Next Level Brewing Company! Games start at 7 next Wednesday.. Let us know 👇🏻 what music you wanna jam with! (T Swift Night, Anyone?) – #PubGames #Bingo #Singo #MusicBingo #CraftBeer #GoodBeer #brewery #drinklocal #CraftBeer #scruffycity #knoxville #tailgateparty #knoxvilletennessee #DrinkLocal #knoxbeerlife #knoxbeer #Knoxville #nextlevel

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Sunday Sunday Sunday! We got Tanasi serving up awesome food all day long on Sunday. Rumor has it he has a “hawt chicken sandwich” this week. 😁🧐🤩. Come down, grab some food, grab some beer, and catch the refs helping out the Chiefs again. 🤣 Casey will be slinging beers all day and running the show. Cheers y’all. #footballseason #tailgateparty #Knoxville #knoxvilletennessee #knoxbeer #knoxbeerlife #nextlevel #GoodBeer #knoxville #barrelagedbeer #stout #barcrawl #footballsunday #sourbeer #foodtruck #localfoodtrucks #FoodTruckLove #JuicyIPA

View on Instagram https://instagr.am/p/DCdT7yZRw8R/

Saturday! 🏈🏈🏈 Next Level is your unofficial football headquarters! We don’t have the largest flatscreen in North America…but we do have friendly staff, 3 tv’s playing football, and a pretty solid lineup of on-site beer and seltzer we made, ciders, sodas, and plenty of NA beer options. We also have chairs, tables, and even a bar! 😎🤩 – – @foodfireandferment will be here slinging his awesome bbq and sides from 4:00-9:00. – Dogs welcome 🐕‍🦺🦮🐩 See you Saturday! #craftbeer #drinklocal #knoxrocks #BrewLife #DrinkLocal #brewery #local #lovelocal #scruffycity #CraftBeer #nextlevel #knoxvilletennessee #tailgateparty #Knoxville #JuicyIPA #localfoodtrucks #GoodBeer #foodtruck #FoodTruckLove #sourbeer #footballseason #vfl #vols

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