
Time to spice up your knowledge with a dash of history fun! Gather your savvy squad and head to Next Level Brewing Company on Wednesday December 20th from 7:00 pm until 9:00 pm for a fun filled night of Knoxville History trivia. This is a special trivia event to raise money for The Blount Mansion, located in the heart of downtown Knoxville. Trivia topics will cover Knoxville History and the history of the Blount Mansion. $1 from each pint sold will go directly to the Blount Mansion Association to support their historic conservation work. Hosted by Patrick Hollis from the Marby Hazens House and the Hazen Historical Museum Foundation. Inskip grill will be here slinging burgers, so don’t forget to come early and hungry and get some of their delicious food. #trivia #KnoxvilleHistory @blountmansion #craftbeer #history #knoxville @mabryhazenhouse

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Running a brewery and taproom includes a lot of behind the scenes things nobody would ever see. Here’s Casey, @ckitch91 doing his routine tear down and cleaning of our tap lines and faucets. We want our beer to taste like it’s supposed to, so Casey takes care of our tap system routinely so the quality is guaranteed. We couldn’t do it without him. 😎👍🏻🤛😻❤️ #knoxbeer #knoxvilletennessee #craftbeer #fruitedsour #ilovelocalknoxville

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It’s been a wild ride! 4 years ago today we opened our doors to the public for the first time. Thanks to all our customers over the years. We wouldn’t be here without you. Cheers. – – We’re starting our 12 days of Christmas deals today. To say thanks we’re giving everyone $2 off all flagship pints today. Cheers. #knoxbeer #knoxvilletennessee #craftbeer #knoxrocks

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